
Roussillon awarded « Wine District of the Year » in Sweden

This year, the wine-growing region Roussillon has been selected as « Wine District of the Year 2020 » by the Swedish association Munskänkarna.

WX20200309-113628@2xFounded in 1958, Munskänkarna is a non-profit organization of wine tasters and wine lovers with around 35 000 members mostly in Sweden but also expatriates, making it the largest association of this kind in the world.

This association counts in its ranks professionals from the wine sector. Its main aim is to develop knowledge of wine through a program of education, tasting and also knowledge of the wine branch with an advanced training on three levels. It also publishes the specialized Swedish monthly magazine Munskänken.

Each year, the title of « Wine District of the Year» is awarded to a region or a city, which will be honored during the association’s activities, events or promotions all year long, mainly in Sweden.Previous awarded areas and cities were Barbaresco in 2019 and Epernay in 2018.


From 19 to 23 February 2020, the CIVR welcomed a delegation of 7 of the most eminent members of Munskänkarna, during a program of visits of wineries and wine tastings. These members had the possibility to discover the vineyards and the Wines of Roussillon, its local uses and its specificities. They also had the possibility to talk with producers and were honored to be inducted into « La Commende Majeure » of Roussillon.

After being awarded « Perpignan European City of Wine» in 2019 (Perpignan Ville Européenne du Vin), the nomination of Roussillon as « Wine District of the Year 2020 » gives hope for great opportunities to strengthen the links between Sweden and Roussillon and to develop the image of Roussillon wines as well as their exportations.


With 14 « Appellations d’Origine Protégées » and 2 « Indications Géographiques Protégées » the Conseil Interprofessionnel des Vins du Roussillon (CIVR) federates more than 400 wineries, 29 cooperatives and more than 100 wine merchants. During the 2018-2019 campaign, the Wines of Roussillon have sold nearly 64 million75cl equivalent bottles : 73% of dry wines (reds, rosés and whites) and 27% of Vins Doux Naturels (fortified wines).

In 2019, the volume of exportations to Sweden accounted for more than 50 000 bottles and a total revenue of 200 000€.

Conseil Interprofessionnel des Vins du Roussillon

19, avenue de Grande Bretagne – BP 649 –  F-66006 Perpignan

Tel. : +33 (0)4 68 51 21 22





瑞典Munskänkarna协会 是一家成立于1958年的非营利性质组织,拥有约35000名瑞典和其他国家的品酒师和葡萄酒爱好人士,使其成为世界上最大的此类协会。




2月19至23日,露喜龙葡萄酒行业协会(英文简称:CIVR)欢迎了 Munskänkarna协会7位杰出成员代表团到来,与酒庄酿酒师进行了为期三天的访问和会晤。这些成员们对露喜龙产区、葡萄酒、当地资源用途与整体风貌特点都可能有着独特的见解和发现,他们还很荣幸的加入露喜龙的《 La Commende Majeure》。

继2019年佩皮尼昂被评选为《欧洲葡萄酒之都》(法语:Perpignan Ville Européenne du Vin) 后,露喜龙产区又被评选为2020《年度葡萄酒产区》,这不仅为加强瑞典与露喜龙产区联系带来了绝佳的机遇,而且为进一步发展露喜龙葡萄酒出口市场,进行产区形象建设增加了优势。


露喜龙产区盛产各种色泽的葡萄酒(14 AOP命名级别3IGP命名级别),汇集了超过400私人酒庄,29酿酒合作社和超过100独立酒商。2018-2019年,售出6400万瓶75cl/瓶)葡萄酒;其中:73%的干型葡萄酒(红、桃红和白)以及27%的天然甜型(加强型)葡萄酒。在2019年,出口瑞典的总量占据5万多瓶和20万欧元的总收益。


19, avenue de Grande Bretagne – BP 649 –  F-66006 Perpignan

联络方式 : +33 (0)4 68 51 21 22