

Could grenache become a remedy for the anxiety of the time? In any case, this is the promise that the 9th edition of this itinerant competition wishes to keep, which despite the context offers us an original version by inviting us on a journey. Four international stages for four decentralized tastings in four major capitals of the Grenache. A true international event where Grenache is the centre of interest!

Based on the observation that it is currently easier to make wines travel than tasters, the management of Grenaches du Monde, an international competition dedicated to this grape variety and its preferred terroirs, has decided to split up the tasting of the wines entered in the competition into four sessions separated in time and space.

A clever process that respects the gestures of protection and the recommendations of social distancing and at the same time brings together four emblematic Grenache terroirs:

• Cebreros in the province of Ávila (Castilla y Léon) for Spain,
• Ascoli Piceno in Marches Region for Italy,
• Châteauneuf-du Pape and Roussillon for France.

“It’s a way for us to reduce the anxiety of the time” explains Fabrice Rieu, President of the Competition. “We prefer to organise limited tastings to about twenty people over one morning to avoid any health hazards.”

Grenaches du Monde is an annual competition open to all wines mainly produced from Grenache, without restriction of colour, origin, or nationality. Entries are open until March 31. After this date, the wines will be classified, sorted, and organised in series. They will then be sent and tasted in 4 major Grenache capitals, namely: Perpignan on April 26, Châteauneuf-du-Pape on April 29, Cebreros in the province of Ávila in Castilla and Leon on May 3, and Ascoli Piceno in the Marche region of Italy on May 8. These dates may be modified according to the health agenda of each region.

Covering 192,455 hectares of vines, grenache ranks seventh among the most planted grape varieties in the world. Emblematic of Mediterranean countries, it ranks third in Europe with 178,628 hectares, or 93% of the world’s surface area. France, Spain, and Italy are the top three producing countries, but grenache is very popular all over the world: North and South Africa, Australia, North and South America, Croatia, Greece, Lebanon, etc.

The Grenaches du Monde have an international vocation, and the ambition to make people discover the singularities and diversity of the grape variety. Each of the 4 stages of this 9th edition will present a wide range of wines from various origins: in short, a “great edition in miniature”! ” We will make sure to present a coherent and diverse panel of Grenache production from different regions, European of course, but also from more distant places. Most of the judges will come from each country, including the best specialists in distribution, sommelier or wine communication”, concludes Fabrice Rieu.

About the Grenaches du Monde: Created in 2013 by the Interprofessional Council of Roussillon Wines (CIVR) in Perpignan, the Grenaches du Monde competition becomes itinerant in 2016 with its first edition relocated to Aragon (Campo de Borja), then to Sardinia (2017) and Catalonia (Terra Alta, 2018). The Competition returns to Perpignan in 2019, and the following year it resumes its journey to Montpellier in partnership with Vins de Pays d’Oc, the world’s leading producer of rosé grenache wines.

Press Contact:

Assina Berta-Alliche, +33 4 68 51 21 22, contact@grenachesdumonde.com More info: grenachesdumonde.com

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2021世界歌海娜大赛第九届巡回赛 ——一场流动的盛宴!

歌海娜可以帮助我们缓解时代焦虑吗? 无论如何,这都是本次届巡回希望兑现的诺言。抛却大环境不管,邀请我们踏上这场寻味本真的旅途。 全球巡回赛分四步进行,将于歌海娜的四个全球主要产区依次进行品鉴在这场真正的国际盛宴下,歌海娜就是流转的聚光灯焦点!

与其让各地品酒师汇聚一堂来品酒,不如直接让酒去往各地,基于这种考量,致力于挖掘歌海娜葡萄品种及其优良种植风土的Grenaches du Monde世界歌海娜大赛的管理层决定对参赛的葡萄酒依次、按地分四个阶段轮流品鉴。


西班牙:卡斯蒂利亚-莱昂(Castilla y Leon)自治区阿维拉Ávila)省塞夫雷罗斯Cebreros 产区
意大利:马尔凯大区(Marches RegionAscoli Piceno(阿斯科利皮切诺)产区

大赛主席Fabrice Rieu称:“这是我们缓解时代焦虑的一种方式。同时为了防范新冠疫情,我们更倾向于在清晨组织一个20人左右的小型品酒会。”

Grenaches du Monde世界歌海娜大赛是一项年度竞赛,面向所有主要以歌海娜葡萄酿造的葡萄酒,不受颜色、原产地或国籍的限制。 参选作品送选日期开放至3月31日,此后组委会对葡萄酒分文别类。 随后,在四个歌海娜主产区发放美酒,以供品鉴——4月26日:Perpignan佩皮尼昂;4月29日:Châteauneuf-du-Pape教皇新堡;5月3日:Castilla y Leon卡斯蒂利亚-莱昂自治区Ávila阿维拉省Cebreros塞夫雷罗斯;5月8日:意大利Marche马尔凯区Ascoli Piceno阿斯科利皮切诺省 。上述日期均为暂定,可以根据各地的疫情防范要求进行更改。

种植歌海娜的葡萄园总计占地192,455公顷,在全球种植面积最广的葡萄品种中位列第七。 作为地中海地区的象征性葡萄品种,它以178,628公顷的占地面积在欧洲排名第三,占总种植面积的93%。全球产量排名前三的国家分别为: 法国、西班牙、意大利。不过,歌海娜可以说是风靡全球:在北非、南非、澳大利亚、南北美洲、克罗地亚、希腊、黎巴嫩等国家地区都饱受欢迎。

Grenaches du Monde世界歌海娜大赛放眼全球,立志要让人们去探索葡萄品种的独特性和多样性。 此次第九届竞赛的4个阶段将陆续展示来自各地的多类葡萄酒:简而言之,堪称全球歌海娜葡萄酒的一场“绝佳剪影”!Fabrice Rieu总结道: “我们向您保证,我们所展示的,将是一系列来自全球不同地区(当然主要是欧洲)多样态的歌海娜美酒。此次大赛评委来自各个国家,他们都是葡萄酒经销、侍酒或传媒方面的行业标杆 ”。

关于Grenaches du Monde世界歌海娜大赛:Granches du Monde大赛由露喜龙葡萄酒行业协会(CIVR)于2013年在Perpignan佩皮尼昂创建,于2016年改制为巡回赛,从Aragon(Campo de Borja)阿拉贡之博尔哈产区(Campo de Borja)拉开帷幕,2017至Sardinia撒丁岛 ,2018至Catalonia(Terra Alta)加泰罗尼亚之特拉阿尔塔,2019重返佩皮尼昂,并于次年与世界领先的歌海娜桃红葡萄酒生产商Vins de Pays d’Oc合作,回归Montpellier蒙彼利埃。


Assina Berta-Alliche,+ 33 4 68 51 21 22contact@grenachesdumonde.com


