



3月12日 – 3月17日.

第一天 :



法国南部东比利牛斯省(Pyrénées-Orientales)的省会城市。地处法国最南端的露喜龙平原,泰河(La Têt)两岸,东近地中海岸,西接比利牛斯山脉。


第二站:Le Café Vienne 维也纳咖啡 


第二天 :

第一站:Vignobles Dom-Brial 唐-布里亚葡萄酒合作社



在酿酒的同时,合作社非常注重环境保护,是法国首批获得“可持续发展项目葡萄种植者”认证的5家酒庄之一,建立了露喜龙的第一座太阳能农场(Solar Farm)。



第二站:Domaine Piquemal 匹克曼家族酒庄




第三站:Lunch in Maison du Terrior 午餐

美味的午餐搭配露喜龙美酒,Eric Aracil,与庄主和侍酒师们开启接下来一天的参观酒庄行程。

第四站:Mas Amiel 阿美尔酒庄

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第五站:Domaine Cazes 卡哲仕酒庄







第六站:Dinner at La Table D’Aim 晚餐






第三天 :

第一站:Château de Corneill 德古尼拉古堡


德里奥拉(Jonqueres d’Oriola)是法国南部露喜龙葡萄酒产区的名门望族,家族共拥有两座葡萄酒城堡,其中一座便是德古尼拉古堡。

古堡于12世纪由圣殿骑士团(Knight Templars)建立。在这座古堡里,可以看到一幅像枝叶招展、茂盛无边的葡萄藤般的德里奥拉家族族谱。




法国小城科利乌尔(Collioure)被誉为拥有法国最蔚蓝的蓝天。坐落在赤红海岸(Côte Vermeille)的北端,背靠比利牛斯山区的小丘陵。这座迷人的小镇艺术氛围浓郁,云集了大批画家,马蒂斯曾说“全法国的天空没有比科利乌尔蔚蓝的”。


第三站:Cave I’Etoile



第四站:Château Valmy



第五站:Dinner in La Villa Duflot 晚餐

晚餐在环境优美的Villa Duflot餐厅,搭配Tramontane Wines(北风酒庄)美酒,其实Tramontane原意是指从山那边吹过来的风,其实也就是指露喜龙西北部的科比埃山吹过来的风。这股风可以给葡萄园降温,透气,有利于葡萄的生长。

第四天 :

第一站:Château Nadal Hainaut 纳达尔·埃努古堡





第二站:Château de L’ou 德露酒庄






第三站:Clos Saint Georges


第四站:Maison Paré


日落时分,来到了Maison Paré,了解品尝加泰罗尼亚猪肉熟食店。

第五站:Dinner at Le Saint Jean 晚餐





第五天 :

第一站:Olivier Bajard shop


出自Olivier Bajard大师的法式甜点搭配美酒


Olivier Bajard,是法国著名的国宝级蛋糕甜品大师、巧克力大师和糖艺大师,被誉为国宝级甜点大师,在法国绝对算是年轻有为的代表,在法国人心中有着举足轻重的地位!

出生于烘焙世家的Olivier Bajard也算得上是一个烘焙界的“少年天才”。被誉为世界甜点界的莫扎特(Mozart)、世界甜点冠军、是当代甜点界影响力前三的甜点大师。


第二站:Cave Arnaud de Villeneuve



所谓天然甜葡萄酒,就是Arnaud de Villeneuve先生在1229年发明的,露喜龙之旅自然不能错过天然甜鼻祖家族所经营的合作社。

第三站:Domaine de Rombeau







第四站:Vignerons Catalans 唯卡葡萄酒集团






第五站:Dinner at Le Clos des Lys 晚餐



搭配Domaine Lauriga酒庄美酒。

酒庄最初是由Clar家族建立,有一个古老的地窖,如今配备了现代化的葡萄酒酿造法和老化试验器。葡萄园占地60公顷,覆盖了3个关键的露喜龙土地,种植了传统的葡萄品种,以及其他更多的国际品种(西拉, 赤霞珠, 慕合怀特, 梅洛),生产出具有典型地区特色的芳香葡萄酒。

葡萄园主要采用罗亚特修剪系统(Cordon de Royat pruning system),每公顷种植密度为5400棵葡萄树,产量为45百升/公顷。葡萄部分是手工收获,部分是用机器收割,用传统的方法酿造出葡萄酒。

第六天 : 

第一站:Domaine Lafage 拉法奇酒庄



这个酒庄最大的闪光点在于拥有国际一流的夫妻档酿酒师和获得罗伯特·帕克(Robert Parker)主创的《葡萄酒倡导家》(Wine Advocate)90分以上高分点评的10多款超优酒款。

拉法奇酒庄目前拥有160公顷葡萄园,种植16种葡萄品种,出产20款风格各异的葡萄酒,平均年产量为七十万瓶,70%的收入来自出口市场。酒庄本身拥有完整的葡萄酒生产线和灌装线。葡萄园里的土壤以黏土和白垩土为主,来自西北部的山风可以有效降温,有利于霞多丽(Chardonnay)、长相思(Sauvignon Blanc)、梅洛(Merlot)和赤霞珠(Cabernet Sauvignon)的生长。


拉法奇酒庄的拥有者和酿酒师为让-马克·拉法奇(Jean-Marc Lafage)和其妻子艾丽娅(Eliane)。

第二站:Lunch at Le Tire Bouchon 午餐






Sommelier delegation set out to explore Roussillon wine region

If you plan to visit Roussillon, spring is the best time to go. The sun, the wind, bring the crowd of holidaygoers to life. Roussillon has returned to the popular heaven it has always been. If you’ve experienced the food, wine and heart of Perpignan and its Mediterranean coast, you know how easily you can fall in love with it.

The top ten sommeliers from China and Korea were invited to visit Roussillon for a one-week wine regional tournament. They experienced the beauty of Roussillon first-hand.

From March 12 to March 17.

DAY 1 :

The first stop:Perpignan


Perpignan is the capital city of Pyrénées-Orientales in the South of France. Located at France’s southernmost tip, on both sides of the La Têt River, the east is near the Mediterranean Sea and west is the Pyrenees.

Perpignan is a fortress linking Spain and France. This excellent geographical environment makes Perpignan one of the most beautiful tourist destinations in Europe and one of the best places to cultivate grapes. People can swim in the sea and go skiing in the mountains in the same day, enjoying one of the most scenic cities worldwide.

The second stopLe Café Vienne


DAY 2 :

The first stop:Vignobles Dom-Brial 


Founded in 1923, it has 380 grape growers and a vineyard of 2,500. Because of this, cooperatives can produce widely flexible styles of wines.

The cooperative paid great attention to environmental protection. It was one of the first wineries in France to obtain the “sustainable development project grape grower” certification and established Roussillon’s first solar farm.


The Muscat wine is particularly worthy of commemoration. According to local legends, “Dom-Brial” was once a priest there. He personally brewed a Muscat wine and presented it to the king winning his favor. However, the priest Dom-Brial told the king: “if you want this Muscat wine, build a school for me where I can teach the children.” So, the king agreed to the priest’s request. This story remains widely told to this day and has brought Muscat wines to the forefront. Dom-Brial was the first person to make Roussillon’s Muscat wines.

The second stop:Domaine Piquemal

6Built in the early 20th century, it covers an area of 48 hectares and vineyards are located in the Maury and Rivesaltes producing areas. The aesthetics of the wine-tasting rooms, tall new stainless-steel fermentation tanks and other modern technical equipment all demonstrate the winery’s modernity and technical support.

The vineyards of the Piquemal family have a diverse range of soils, including schist, calcareous clay, gneiss, and granite. The winery grows a wide variety of grape varieties in the most optimum of its different soils.

The third stop:Lunch in Maison du Terrior

Eric Aracil, winemakers and sommeliers gather together for a delicious lunch paired with a variety of Roussillon wines.

The forth stop:Mas Amiel

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Mas Amiel’s oxidized wines sink in centuries-old wooden barrels and absorb the previously precipitated flavor characteristics. They need 20, 30 or 40 years to fully reach maturity.


Each year in early June, the wine is squeezed into glass jars and placed in outdoor open-air jars (a thousand of such 60-litre jars are placed in one area). In the glass, the wines age for up to 12 months, affected by the temperature difference between day and night. This is a unique and traditional aging “bonbonne”wine brewing method.

The fifth stop:Domaine Cazes


Domaine Cazes is located in the heart of the Roussillon region between the Pyrenees and the Mediterranean Sea.

The estate’s high-quality wines are brought to life by the region’s unique, mainly limestone and clay, but also schist and siliceous pebbles.


Due to the 14 grape varieties, the annual harvest time starts from mid-August and continues until mid-October. Grapes are harvested at the best ripening state of each variety. After harvesting the grapes and depending on the style of the wine to be produced, the winemakers decide whether to remove the stems or not, whether to squeeze, or the whole bunch of fermentation.

The sixth stop:Dinner at La Table D’Aimé


Just like local customs, Roussillon’s wine is elegant and natural. It contains a lot of unexpected surprises of great pleasure for ordinary drinkers like you and me.

The day’s trip was engaging and full of appreciation, the sommeliers tasted many wines paired with local French cuisine. The delegation had a fantastic meal under blue skies, white clouds, and of course the gentle breeze of the sea.


The wonderful journey continues..

DAY 3 :

The first stop:Château de Corneilla


Jonqueres d’Oriola is a prominent family in the Roussillon wine region of southern France. The family owns two wine castles, one of which is Château de Corneilla.

Templar Knights founded the castle in the 12th century. In this ancient castle, you can see the noble genealogy of the Jonqueres d’Oriola family.

The vineyards are only 6 km away from the Pyrenees, and the cool night helps the grapes develop sufficient acidity and a wide range of aromas. It produces fresh and pure aromas and taste wines.

The second stop:Roque


Collioure is a small town known for having the bluest sky in France. It is located on the northern tip of the Côte Vermeille, bordering the hills in the Pyrenees. This charming town has a strong artistic atmosphere and has gathered a large number of painters. Matisse once said: “the sky in France is not as blue as in Collioure”.

At noon, the delegation enjoyed walking in this small town, and visiting a local anchovy factory, yet another distinctive feature of the Pyrenees.

The third stop:Cave I’Etoile


Rated with a score of 100 by the famous La Revue du Vin de France in 2017.

The forth stop:Château Valmy


Since 1930, the family brewery has succeeded in blending the excellent qualities of its wines with the beauty of its vineyards, with a combination of traditional and modern methods of brewing. The 60-acre grape estate produces cote du Roussillon wines, Rivesaltes Muscat and Rivesaltes labelled wines. The winery has advanced winemaking techniques and experience, all using barrel-aging in wine mature fermentation warehouses.

The fifth stop:Dinner in La Villa Duflot 

The delegation had dinner with Tramontane Wines’ owners in the beautiful Villa Duflot restaurant. In fact, Tramontane is the name of the wind blown over the mountains of Corbieres in the northwest of Roussillon. It blows through the vineyards helping the grapes reach maturity. The winery is named after this Northern wind.

DAY 4 :

The first stop:Château Nadal Hainaut


The combination of modernity and tradition ignites a spark of magic! The use of advanced winemaking techniques such as cold treatment and pneumatic pressing also follows the ancient maceration and mixing barrel tradition.


Château Nadal Hainaut was built in 1830. The vineyard has a total area of 53 hectares. The type of soil in the vineyard is gravelly limestone and clay soils providing good drainage and sufficient nutrients for grape growing. The vineyard is very hot and dry during the day, the gravel can release the heat absorbed during the day on cool nights that keep it from being damaged by freezing temperatures.

The second stop:Château de L’ouWechatIMG1131

Built in 1998, 30 hectares of vineyards are located in the foothills of the Pyrenees with many small plots.


Grapes in the winery are gathered by manual picking. The vineyard staff strictly follows the winemaker’s requirements for quality grape-picking.

The picking begins just before the sun-rise until 10 o’clock in the morning, in order to maintain the freshness of the grapes. The picking season depends on the nature of the grapes, and the delicateness of the grape peels and kernels are of an importance consideration.

The third stop:Clos Saint Georges


The forth stop:Maison Paré


It was under the fading light of sunset that the delegation arrived at Maison Paré to visit the Catalan Delicatessen.

The fifth stop:Dinner at Le Saint Jean

This ancient wine region, located in southern France, is filled with Roussillon’s ancient cultural heritage, set within a beautiful Mediterranean scenery, and overflowing with a variety of unique wines.

On the last two days of the regional tour, the group of sommeliers was accompanied by the beautiful landscape of Roussillon in their last days of tasting delicious Roussillon wine. The wonderful regional tour was about to come to an end.

This region, with 320 sunny days a year was about to say goodbye to its sommelier delegation in the same way it greeted them: with the brightest of sunny weathers.

DAY 5 :

The first stop:Olivier Bajard shop


Artistic French dessert made by Olivier BAJARD


Olivier Bajard is a French national dessert master, master of chocolate and master of sugar art. He is regarded as a master of national treasures and is considered to be a young and promising representative of France. He has a very important position in the heart of the French!

Olivier Bajard is one of the most outstanding French pastry chefs of our age. The holder of the title “best pastry chef in France,” and world champion in confectionary, is among the top-100 pastry chefs of the century.

In the morning, not only did the delegation taste mouth-watering French deserts, but also had the pleasure of marrying the sweetness of their food perfectly with a series of Vins Doux Naturels, arguably the best wine to drink in these circumstances. Moreover, they had the unique opportunity to do so while receiving a seminar on how to pair deserts with Vins Doux Naturels.

The second station :Cave Arnaud de Villeneuve


The winery has three famous wines-making factories located on the Mediterranean coastline near Perpignan. Focus on the production of high-quality wines and special AOC natural sweet wines, such as the authentic region of Rivesaltes, the natural sweet and AOP production area of Rivesaltes.

What it called natural sweet wine, that was invented by Mr. Arnaud de Villeneuve in 1229. Roussillon tour naturally cannot miss the cooperative run by the natural sweet originator family.

The third stop:Domaine de Rombeau

Since 1726 Domaine de Rombeau has belonged to the Fabrègue family, and the estate has been handed down from generation to generation. Their winemaking experience and history have also been passed down. While respecting their tradition, they adopt the latest brewing concept without hesitation. The ancient and the modern blend in the winery shows in consistent quality wines.


The delegation visited the estate and enjoyed a lunch made by the winery owner.


The domaine mainly produces Muscat sweet white wine, Rivesaltes classic sweet wine, Cote du Roussillon wine… These wines fully reflect the characteristics of Southern French wine and reveal the soul of Roussillon terroirs.

The forth stop:Vignerons Catalans 


Founded in 1964, the Catalans Wine Group is a group of winemakers federated by the largest wine farmers’ cooperatives in the Roussillon region. These winemakers have been making unremitting efforts for many years, specializing in winemaking techniques to meet customer requirements and quality wines.

The delegation carried out a tasting, while listening to the winemaker’s interpretation of the cultural background behind each wine and several anecdotes.


Nowadays, the Vignerons Catalans Group has gathered more than 1,500 wine farmers and owns 10,000 hectares of grape land, which has a significant advantage in the legal wine market in the Roussillon. The Group has carefully developed a number of brands that represent the most unique terroirs in Southern France. It has unsurprisingly become Roussillon’s largest wine group.

The fifth stop:Dinner at Le Clos des Lys

Serving a traditional French meal, Seguret is a Michelin-starred French chef who innovates in traditional Catalan cuisine. Local cuisine is accompanied with local wines.


Food pairing with Domaine Lauriga wines.

Originally built by the Clar family, the winery has an ancient cellar and is now equipped with modern winemaking and aging testers. The vineyard covers an area of 60 hectares, covering 3 key Lucy lands, planting traditional grape varieties, and other more international varieties (Syrah, Cabernet Sauvignon, Mourvèdre, Merlot). Domaine Lauriga’s wines are very aromatic and with typical regional characteristics. Today, Domaine Lauriga has become one of the P Mas vineyards.

The vineyard mainly uses the Cordon de Royat pruning system, has a planting density of 5,400 vines per hectare and a yield of 45 hectoliters per hectare. Grapes are both harvested by and hand by machine, and they use traditional methods to produce their wines.

DAY 6 : 

The first stop:Domaine Lafage 


The Lafage winery is located between the Mediterranean Sea and Corbiere mountains. The building is a stone house built in the 15th century.

The special feature of this winery is that it has a world-class winemaking couple at its helm: Jean-Marc Lafage and his wife Eliane. They have more than 10 superb wines with a score of 90 points or more from Wine Advocate Robert Parker within their porfolio.

Lafage winery currently has 160 hectares of vineyards, planting 16 varieties of grapes and producing 20 different kinds of wine, with average annual production of 700,000 bottles. 70% of its income comes from its export market. The winery itself has a complete wine production line and filling line. The soil in the vineyard is dominated by clay and chalk soil, and the mountain wind from the Northwest effectively reduces the temperature. It is a good environment for Chardonnay, Sauvignon Blanc, Merlot and Cabernet. Sauvignon).


The second stop:Lunch at Le Tire Bouchon


On this last stop the delegation said goodbye to Eric and Roussillon’s winemakers around a delicious meal.

The pleasing and fulfilling region tour came to an end. The delegation said goodbye while overlooking this ancient wine region, which is blessed by god and seems incomparably mysterious and vast. There are still countless legends and wines to discover, and the beautiful scenery is waiting to be explored again.
